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The Cabinet Corner, Paso Robles, California (CA)

We provide installation services in California Address: 3850 Ramada Drive Ste A-1
Paso Robles, California (CA), 93446
Phone: 805-434-2929

If you want to know about how the personal touch operates, try doing your next kitchen or bathroom remodeling project with The Cabinet Corner’s friendly, efficient and highly experienced team. We answer and return your calls.

We explain everything when you need to know it – and again and again until you are satisfied that your choice is the correct one. The fact that we have to explain things more than once is indicative of the fact that any remodeling project is a huge undertaking of complexly interwoven happenings that need to be managed very tightly, if it is to be successful – or even happen at all.

We have plenty of experience in this field and are aware of the potential dangers and pitfalls. We are also knowledgeable about the cheapest and best ways to avoid them. We are very competitively priced and the quality of our products and installations are on a par with the very best. We do cabinets for the kitchen and bathroom, and we do them well.

We provide installation services in California

We are serving (cities in California): Templeton, Bern, Shandon, MacMillan, Saint Lawrence Terrace, San Miguel, Atascadero

You can buy kitchens and baths in our store from the following manufacturers: Custom Cupboards

Search kitchen or bath:

Shaker Kitchen, Custom Cupboards
Lexington Kitchen, Custom Cupboards
Chisholm Kitchen, Custom Cupboards
Chisholm B Kitchen, Custom Cupboards
Chisholm Java Kitchen, Custom Cupboards
Chisholm  Natural Kitchen, Custom Cupboards
BB Shaker Kitchen, Custom Cupboards
Contempo Kitchen, Custom Cupboards
Heritage Beaded Kitchen, Custom Cupboards
Chisholm Domino Bath, Custom Cupboards
Chisholm  Forest Bath, Custom Cupboards
Country Shaker Bath, Custom Cupboards
Chisholm Beaded AM Bath, Custom Cupboards
Charleston Bath, Custom Cupboards
Valley Forge Bath, Custom Cupboards
Beadboard Shaker Bath, Custom Cupboards
Charleston Molasses Bath, Custom Cupboards
Please select brand, to see cabinets
Custom Cupboards
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